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Judy Friend Counselling
Judy Friend, MBACP
"We all have time when we need someone to listen to us with kindness and acceptance. I offer a sanctuary where you can be comfortable talking about whatever is on your mind and heart".
Areas of Expertise
Psychosynthesis, Spiritual Direction, Transpersonal Therapy & Enneagram Coach
What I can help with
Anyone feeling stuck and unable to find fulfillment in their lives
Offering a wider perspective
Gentle challenge of blind spots and unhelpful patterns of behaviour
Through providing a space in which you are seen, heard and understood, transformation can happen.
Contact Me
The first step if you're considering therapy is to set up the first session. This session will be an opportunity for us to meet and to talk through your concerns and how therapy might help.
If you would like to speak first by telephone, please contact me and we can arrange a mutually convenient time to have a 15 minute conversation.
You can also fill out the contact information box below with your enquiry and I will get back to you within two working days.
Email Tel No. 07971 893 334
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